Effect of Different Positions of Dental Implants Supporting Mandibular Overdentures on The Denture Retention

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Removable Prosthodontics, Faculty of Oral and Dental Medicine, Future University, Egypt.

2 Department of Removable Prosthodontics, Faculty of Oral and Dental Medicine, Delta University for Science and Technology, Egypt.


Aim: The purpose of this study was to assess the impact on denture retention 
of various placements of dental implants supporting mandibular overdentures, 
including both interforaminal and posterior areas. Materials and Methods: Based on 
predetermined criteria, ten male patients who were completely edentulous were chosen 
from the prosthodontic departments Outpatient Clinic at Future University Faculty 
of Oral and Dental Medicine. Two equal groups of five patients each were randomly 
selected. Each patient received four mini-implants positioned in various locations 
(interforaminal, as well as both interforaminal and posterior areas). Group I (Patients 
rehabilitated using overdenture retained by four mini dental implants positioned in the 
interforaminal region). Group II (Patients rehabilitated using overdenture retained by 
four mini dental implants positioned in the posterior and interforaminal regions). The 
protocol for early loading was applied. A Forcemeter device was used to measure 
retention in all cases, first at zero months, then at one month, and finally at two months 
following denture insertion. Data were gathered, verified, edited, tabulated, and 
subjected to a student t-test statistical analysis.. Results: When comparing the two groups over the study, the findings show that denture retention was not significantly impacted by the location of the dental implants. Conclusion: In patients who are completely edentulous, mini dental implants may be utilized as an alternative to traditional implant-retained overdentures utilizing early loading protocol. Denture retention was not significantly impacted by the location of the mini dental implant supporting the mandibular overdenture


Main Subjects