Assessment of the Relationship Between the Impacted Mandibular Third Molar and Inferior Alveolar Canal Using Cone Beam Computed Tomograph

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Oral Medicine, Periodontology, Oral Diagnosis and Dental Radiology Faculty of Dental Medicine Al-Azhar University Assiut

2 Department of Oral and Maxillofacial surgery, Faculty of dentistry, (Assiut, boys), AlAzhar University, Egypt

3 Department of Oral medicine, Periodontology, Diagnosis and Oral radiology, Faculty of Dental Medicine, (Assiut, boys), Al-Azhar University, Egyp


Aim: Objectives: The present study was performed to evaluate radiographically 
and asses the relation between impacted mandibular third molar and inferior alveolar 
canal .Subjects and Methods: 100 patients were divided into two groups. Group I: 
According to gender Group II: According to age. Digital imaging and communication 
in medicine (DICOM) data of the patient was imported and analysed using Romexis 
software. After importing the patient data, patient axis and position were modified to 
be in a standard position. The axial cut was modified to be at the level of alveolar crest 
of the lower arch then a customized arch curvature and thickness were done to have 
a good form of reconstructed panoramic like view .Results: there was no statistical 
significant different between tow group on contact and proximity between IMTM and 
IAC .Conclusions: There is no difference in the contact between the nearest apex of 
impacted mandibular third molar and superior border of inferior alveolar canal between 
gender and age groups. There is no difference in the distance (proximity) between the 
impacted mandibular third molar and inferior alveolar canal between gender and age 


Main Subjects